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Please join us on this day to celebrate the end of the year with a wonderful show that showcases our students’ talent and performing abilities.

Children must be present to participate in the show.

Please bring:

  • Folding chairs as seating is limited.
  • Weather-appropriate clothing as our event will be outdoors.
  • A warm beverage to keep you warm, if it’s a cold day.

In case of unfavorable weather, the show may be canceled. We will notify you accordingly.

Dress Attire


Boys: Red top with black bottoms.

Girls: Red dress, white stockings, and black shoes.


Holiday sweater and black pants.


Festive dress attire.

We would like to request that all students performing on Friday, 12/20/24 be dressed in the suggested dress attire mentioned above for the End of the Year Performance. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the show.

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